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My first blog | How to maintain your brows at home

Hello and Welcome to my first ever blog.

I wrote this after having a discussion with an old school friend, Amy, when I was back home in the UK on a recent trip. We stood looking at my gorgeous nieces' perfectly groomed eyebrows and discussing her artistic flare for tending to her said brows.

I absolutely love doing brows as it can really change the look and feel of the face and can make you look so much fresher just by getting a little tidy up.

Unfortunately, some people do get it a bit wrong by playing with their brows, so if you really don't want to mess them up or if your like my mum and 'as blind as a bat without your glasses', best book in soon.

Tanya x



Don't forget a magnified mirror if possible and some good light before you start.

 We all have one brow that's the "best one, so start by perfecting your 'best' brow, then make the other one match.

Your brows should start at the bridge of the nose; use a brush to pinpoint the spot directly above the nostril (not the outside of your nose).

The highest point of the brow should be about two-thirds of the way out, not in the middle of the brow.

The tail of your eyebrow should extend at least to the corner of your eye, and can be even longer as long as it doesn’t end vertically lower than the point where your brow begins — you want a lifted shape, not a droopy one.

Powder or Brow Pencil?

A brow pencil is a great choice if you need to correct the shape. Fill in brows with quick, strokes, never a harsh, solid line. Brush through the brows as you work to diffuse the colour. Finish by brushing the hairs downward to blend with the pencil and create a more natural look.

"I like to use this on the tail of my brows to make them look a bit fuller."



This must-have pencil features an ultra-fine, retractable tip to easily fill in gaps and mimic brow hair.


Powder sits on the skin behind the hair, giving the illusion of denser brows. (Great choice for blondes with sparse eyebrows). Always choose a powder designed especially for brows, not a powder eyeshadow. 

Brow Artiste Kit 


This handy kit contains everything you need for perfectly groomed arches.


Available online here

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