simka alpha omega 3 caps efas

Simka 60 Caps

Regular price $89.00 $89.00 Sale

SIMKA Alpha Omega-3 is derived from an exclusive wild-type food-grade algae strain that is cultured in pure water, within quality-controlled indoor tanks. By taking SIMKA microalgae oil supplements, you get your Omega-3s directly from the source (without firstly passing through a fish; and then being subjected to chemical processes)! 

Our Alpha Omegas have the highest natural DHA level known on Earth and provide you with the master Omega-3 your body recognises and utilises without a complicated internal conversion process.

Consciously formulated for your health and skin nutrition

Omega-3s are essential fatty acid molecules vital for the structural formation of every cell in the human body including the skin. Since the human body does not produce its own Omega-3s, supplementation of essential fatty acids with the correct ratio of DHA and EPA is necessary for optimal cell function, repair, and maintenance of skin health. 

SIMKA Alpha Omega-3s are formulated to deliver the most concentrated form of 99% DHA + EPA. 

Naturally balanced as nature intended.