Photo Rejuvenation Package
Regular price
This is our most successful treatment to eliminate sun spots, skin pigmentation and skin imperfections. This package includes 4 treatments spaced 1 month apart.
Treatable Skin Conditions & Benefits
Sun Damage, Brown Spots, Freckles & Hyperpigmentation.
Acne & Acne Rosacea, Facial Redness and Flushing.
Spider Veins, Broken Capillaries/ Telangiectases
Pigmented Birth Marks & Cherry Hemangiomas.
Reduced appearance of fine lines, enlarged pores.
Skin brightening and reduction of photoaging.
Non-invasive, no disruption of the skin's surface.
Fades and controls the overproduction of pigmentation.
Stimulates collagen renewal resulting in smoother, firmer skin.
Can be safely used on many skin types and body area
Filters out ultraviolet components, eliminating UV skin damage.
First, the area to be treated is cleansed. The area is covered with a thin layer of cooling gel and the entire area such as the face, chest, hands or arms are treated with a gentle pulse of elos™ Laser light and Radio Frequency combined energy.
The elos™ system uses built-in “Smart Technology” that ensures comfort and safety while delivering effective results.
When the pulse of elos™ Laser light and low energy Radio Frequency is administered there is a momentary sensation that is easily tolerated. Each treatment takes about 30 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated.
Most clients require about 3 – 5 elos™ Photofacial treatments depending on desired results and they are performed every three to four weeks. Some clients will benefit from additional treatments.
Price varies depending on the areas treated. Ask us for details